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Aged a full year in 3 1/2 weeks.

Last month, there was an Exchange issue that lasted 3 1/2 weeks. All mobile devices were continually prompting for an email password. Outlook lock-ups and hangs were also an issue. After attempting to correct the issue for 1/2 a week, I opened a Microsoft support case. All the Exchange servers were analyzed and I uploaded several logs to Microsoft for review. After two weeks, it was determined that the Exchange servers were fine. We directed the focus to the Domain Controllers (GC's). After several days, it was determined that the domain controllers were fine as well. Microsoft said that all that was left was network. Upon looking at the network, it turned out that the enterprise backup solution that was plugged into the same switch as the Exchange Servers was taking all the network bandwidth on that network switch. The recent change was that a physical domain controller was decommissioned (plugged into the same network switch as the Exchange servers) after two new Domain Controllers (GC's) in the virtual environment. The Exchange servers were experiencing severe network drops until the enterprise backup solution was reconfigured. Things are finally fixed and I can now take some much needed time off.

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